The Annoying, Unavoidable Nature Of Practice

Some people don’t understand practice and the simple power it has.

Instead they imagine there is a way around it. They think if they get the right book on the subject, it will make it easier. Or maybe if they go to the right class or conference, then they’ll figure out a work around they didn’t see before.

They think they’re going to meet someone who will make everything better. Someone who will feature them on their blog, cast them in a show, or give them a valuable connection. But it takes more than books, classes, and luck.

If you want to get better at something you have to practice. Not dabble, not play with, but practice.Tweet: If you want to get better at something you have to practice. Not dabble, not play with, but practice. @mindfitmove

You have to sit down in the chair, on the cushion, in the seat of vulnerability, and actually practice.

Creating work with meaning and value takes practice. And this doesn’t just apply to creatives, it applies to everyone.

Loving relationships take practice. You have to practice communicating, being vulnerable, and working through tough problems.

Strong friendships are no different. You have to practice showing up and sharing your hopes and fears.

Mindfulness takes time, on the cushion, off the cushion, and in super imperfect practice, because most practice isn’t perfect.

My Life

I’ve spent way too much time in my life looking for shortcuts and ways to hack around practice. And while there are ways to lessen the amount of your practice, you can’t entirely avoid it.

I’ve met amazing people, had amazing experiences, and learned amazing techniques. And while I’ve loved each and every one of these blessings, my own internal sense of taste and purpose keep calling me back to the magic that happens in the midst of the slow deliberate practice.

No one else can do it for you. Only you can own it. It is your life, one word, brush stroke, and conversation at a time.

So stop avoiding the practice and get to work. The sea is merely a few hundred miles away, if you simply set your sights and start walking.