What Is Mindfulness? – Start with Appreciation

Just A Pat On The Back
Growing up I was always told I had potential. A nice thing to say, right? But I hated it.
How did they know I would be successful? They saw potential so they affirmed. But I wanted something deeper than affirmation.
Just The Truth
I wanted truth, dirty, grimy, painful, sexy, truth.
It took me a long time to find a small piece of it. When I did I realized something. Appreciation, not affirmation is the key to happiness.
Saying “You have potential” isn’t that great. It’s like you’re saying, “Someday you’ll be something, (but not today). Kids get this a lot.
Adults say “You’ll be great when you grow up.”  But kids are already great. Some adults just don’t realize it.
Adults also don’t realize how great they are.
Just Learn To Appreciate
As adults we often deny who we really are. Instead we envision some fantastic future version of ourselves.
Appreciation shows us who we are now. Appreciation extends the value of the present into the future.
Just Be Who You Are
The world tells us to look at who we could be.  But this doesn’t work if we don’t appreciate who we are now.
There is no one who reads this blog who isn’t amazing. 
If you each told your story, I have no doubt I’d be amazed. There would be feats of sacrifice, powerful coming of age events, and tales of obstacles vanquished.
Just Be Great
I was a talented kid and I still am talented.  But it doesn’t mean anything unless I can appreciate it.
We have to appreciate and accept:
  • That this flawed person is a miracle,
  • That our friends and family are a blessing,
  • That every breath is a gift,
  • And that there is still work to be done.
  • This simple appreciation will guide us through the darkest times.
Just Here
No matter where you are on your journey to lose weight, build strength or be more mindful, start here. Appreciate where you are right now, because this is where it all begins.
Speak Up
What’s one thing you did well today?
Comment below and share it with us.
  • Keep a journal
  • Once a day write down one thing you are grateful for.
  • And one thing you did well today.
  • Be careful not to make this appreciation of virtue a back handed compliment.
  • For example” I didn’t screw up my paperwork I usually do”.
  • Instead you could reframe it like this, “I was proficient in doing my paperwork today.”
  • See the difference?
  • Once you’ve gotten these two items written down, take just a couple moments and appreciate your deep personal value.
  • How lucky we have something to be grateful for?
  • How wonderful we can appreciate ourselves today?


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