Questions to ask when you’re not inspired

No matter how much you love what you do, sometimes you aren’t inspired. Maybe you’ve gotten bored, things have just gotten hard, or it just seems like you’re in a rut.

When that happens here are some questions to ask yourself:

If you created your business to be inspiring, what do you need to do to be inspired by your business again?

  • Not just the things that you like but every part of it?
  • How could you begin creating that?
  • What would the first tiny step be?

What would it be like to be inspired by your team and to live in that inspired mindset?

  • How can you inspire your team?
  • How can you let them inspire you? * How could you begin creating that?
  • What would the first tiny step be?

What would it be like to be inspired by running the day to day of your business again?

  • What if you reconnected with serving people?
  • What if you got back to why you got started?
  • How could you begin creating that?
  • What would the first tiny step be?

What would it be like to be inspired by your life and not let anyone else’s attitude or problems keep you from losing track of what matters the most to you?

  • How could you begin creating that?
  • What would the first tiny step be?

No one is responsible for being inspired but you.

  • Only you can create a life and a business that inspires you and those around you.
  • Yes the world can be uninspiring, people sue you, people don’t do their jobs with passion, and people make big mistakes that costs thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.

But you started the epic thing because you didn’t want to accept that narrative. So why accept it now?

What would change for you if you started from scratch, let go of the past, and started recreating that inspiring life in the way you did when you started this whole thing?

What can you do today to make this the beginning of your most inspiring story your business has every told?