I’m Being Breadcrumbed by God

Last year I got a clear message from God, or the universe, or whatever you want to call it, that I needed to do a 9-month dating diet. And so that’s what I did.

For 9 months I didn’t engage with women romantically. Not only that, I even paused some friendships where the energy was flirty. I set aside time for spiritual practice, meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature.

I began to write daily letters to the sacred feminine all while grieving the breakdown of my last relationship.

Slowly, as the grief faded and COVID got worse, something strange started happening to me.
The ambition I used to rely on was nowhere to be found. My long term visions seemed almost meaningless. The more I let go of the future, the more I relaxed.

I still had moments of clarity from time to time. The clouds would part and I would see where I needed to go or do next.

Sometimes these bursts of insight would be clear and full, like knowing I needed to have a certain conversation with my father or that I needed to reach out to an old teacher to clean up a relationship. But sometimes I’d just get a direction, a word, or even just an energy I needed to explore.

I felt it each time I chose a new city to travel to and each time I looked for a new potential client to connect with. But even though these nudges felt magical, I often found myself frustrated. For years I’d been the guy with the five-year plan, the quarterly business focus, and the big hairy audacious goals.
Now I felt like I was drifting from one insight to the next. Except each insight felt different. Because they each invited me into a deeper faith and trust in life, god, and the universe.

It took me a while to realize it, but I was learning to feel, choose, and see from another part of myself. I was being asked to trust this connection to the divine, to the mystical nature of reality, and to my own intuition.

In the past, my life was mostly run by my ego - my desire to prove something to the world - and slowly I was letting that go. I was learning to follow the divine even though the divine had been breadcrumbing me all year.

What they never tell you about faith and a life of deep spiritual practice is just how little you’ll know as you step deeper into the fire of it. They never tell you that as the path unfolds, it becomes less and less about knowing where you’ll be in five years and more about your faith that there is a path, that you are being guided, and that there is art for you to express.

So for now I’ll just keep looking for the next breadcrumb and when I find it, I’ll just take it as it comes.


A Simple Technique That Makes Hard Choices Easy

Recently I was speaking to a client about a big choice in her life. She was recently been offered a bigger position at her part time job and was also in the final stages of developing a product for her own small business.

Over the past week she noticed that she was really stressed out and wasn’t sure what she should do. Should she accept the position at her job or should she decline and spend more time working on her own business?

Her choice is one we all have to make from time to time. As you live your life and follow your dreams opportunities often arise that will entice you. This is especially true if you are a talented and passionate person. But what is the right call? Are these diversions worth the distraction or would you be better off following you dreams?

Buckets of Feelings ( And How To Use Them To Make A Big Choice)

One technique that I’ve used to help me make a choice between two opportunities is something I call a bucket of feelings. It’s very simple.

Bucket One

First, think about the opportunity that has arisen. Imagine yourself investing time and energy into this project. Imagine yourself working hard, making sacrifices, and pouring your life energy into it. As you do this, begin to notice what feelings arise.

Do you feel more confident, happier, and energetic? Or do you feel stressed and worn out?

Do you feel the project inspiring you to work on your dreams or do you feel it drawing attention away from what you really want to do?

Do you notice the people you’re meeting being amazing resources that support your deep purpose or do you notice the people you’re meeting taxing you, challenging your integrity, and causing you to disconnect from your dreams?

No matter what you feel, just notice these feeling, perhaps even writing them down as you go. Then take those feelings and put them in a bucket. All the good and the bad goes in the bucket.

Now take 10 deep breaths. As you do this feel yourself setting this bucket down, letting those feelings be, and coming back to a neutral space.

Bucket Two

Then when you’re ready, being again by imagining investing in the other opportunity. Imagine yourself working hard on this opportunity. Imagine yourself investing your energy and passion into this part of your life. Imagine making sacrifices and pouring your life energy into it. As you do this, begin to notice what feelings arise.

Do you feel excited and happy or do you feel sacred and unsure?

Do you feel ready to kick some serious ass or do you feel concerned that you won’t make it?

Do you notice all the people you will meet who will guide and inspire you or do you imagine a lonely walk to get to where you want to go?

No matter what you feel, just notice these feelings and maybe write them down as you go. Then take those feelings and put them in a bucket. All the good, the bad, and the in between in the bucket.

Then just like before take 10 deep breaths and let these feelings go. Feel them inside the bucket as you put that bucket down. Coming back to your spacious open center as you breathe.

Weighing Your Buckets

Then, when you feel centered imagine yourself picking up both the buckets. In one hand, you feel the new opportunity and in the other, you what you’ve been working on. And investigate how you feel as you hold each bucket. Does one feel lighter or heavier? Do you feel one taking more energy to hold up? Or do you feel balanced, as if each bucket is creating energy for the other.

Careful and slowly weigh the buckets with your heart first and foremost. Sure there are lots of ideas about each bucket, but which bucket is your heart calling you to address. Ask yourself if you can really carry both? Then listen, very carefully for what your heart has to say.

If you get an answer, try to trust it. Put the buckets down and make a choice. The truth is you never know where a choice will lead you. But one thing you can know is that a bucket of heavy yucky feelings is never worth carrying.

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how to choose between two opportunities, how to choose between two lovers, how to choose between two guys, how to choose between two jobs, how to choose between two sports, how to choose between two things, How to Decide Between Two Equally Good Things, how to choose between two colleges ,how to choose between two guys you love quiz ,how to choose between your boyfriend and another guy ,how to choose between two guys you love ,how to choose between job offers, how to follow your heart, how to listen to your heart