What I’m Doing Now

I live in St. Petersburg, FL and I’m focusing on the following things

  • Filling the last spot in my very full coaching practice and then starting a waiting list
  • Working with and honing one of the most incredible teams on the planet. Christina, Steve, and Regina you guys ROCK!!!
  • Taking the Samurai Coaching Dojo (And incubator for coaches who want to master the art of deep work) to the next level
    • Specifically running the Spring Version of the 2018 Dojo which is SOLD OUT!!!! WOOOT!!!
  • Enjoying the sun in St. Petersburg and developing a community out here.
  • Working on a MindMap about the History of Coaching as part of my Coaching Think Tank a project designed to produce more world-class coaches.

I’m saying no to everything else right now. This page inspired by Derek Sivers and my good friend Leo Babauta

Last Updated 2/14/2017